We had another fun Halloween this year. Went to our old neighborhood for trick or treating and made the rounds. Lucked out with the weather and didn't get rained on while we were out so it was a success! The kids got WAY too much candy, but had so much fun. Cooper was a good sport in his costume and in the stroller. Next year will be a bit more challenging since he probably won't be as content to sit and watch. We'll be running after him as he runs after the big kids, I'm sure! Finley wanted to be Rapunzel again, sans the wig, since she has her own LONG blonde locks! The wig is "too itchy and annoying". Berkeley decided to be a dolphin since she loves the movie Dolphin Tale and longs to swim with one someday. Oliver was Darth Vader even though he has never seen Star Wars and really has no clue who he is :)