Bringing Flash Home |
"Prince Flash"
The birthday girl
Sitting at the table with the "cool, big kids"
Coop got loads of attention from all those girls!

Berkeley turned 9 on November 2nd! I can barely wrap my brain around that. Seems impossible that she can be 9. All I know is that these years are absolutely flying and before I know it she is going to be grown and walking down the aisle. She got her birthday wish...she had been asking, begging and praying for a pet of her own for a long time and we decided that a guinea pig was a good place to start after talking to many other parents. We pretended like we were going to church one morning, dropped the kids off at their classrooms and right before we took Berk to her class we told her we had to get back in the car real quick cause we forgot something. So, we got back in the car and headed into town. She asked where we were going and we said we had to pick up something to eat to take to Aunt Laura's for the football game after church. Instead of turning into Costco, we turned into Petco and she got a shy little smile and said "this is where Grandma and Papa Moran took us the other day". She had gone to the pet store "just to look" and fell in love with a little 3 month old guinea pig. We told her since she has been such a great girl and loves animals so much, that she got to pick out her very own guinea pig. So, she got the "guinea pig of her dreams" and we headed back to church to pick the kids up. She decided to name him "Thunderbolt". She was bursting with pride and couldn't wait to show her brother and sister. She ended up taking him to Aunt Laura's house for the game and he got loads of attention from all the cousins! Easton kept wanting to hold the "bunny" :) While we were at Laura's house she whispered in my ear that she changed his name to "Flash". I smiled and thought "I wonder if this poor pig is going to go through as many name changes as 'the artist formerly known as Prince' ", but so far, the name has held. In fact, she added a middle name, "Racer".
She was so excited to show "Flash Racer" to all her little friends at her birthday party too! They all took turns holding him in between dinner, presents, cake and the piñata! She had a great birthday and can't wait for when she turns 10 so she can get her ears pierced!!!
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