Thursday, November 21, 2013

I'm Pregnant!

Well, after a long time of being resigned to the fact that I was probably only going to have 3 kids, we discovered the fact that our family wasn't quite finished.  Oliver had been asking for months and months for a brother.  He asked why we only had one boy and two girls and begged for a brother.  I told him we probably weren't having any more kids, that dad was DONE and that we had no choice in the matter...God gave us what He did and it wasn't up to us.  So, you can imagine our surprise back in August to discover that one more little Potts was on it's way into the world!  I think we were a little stunned at first.  I can't really say it was a "surprise" since we aren't "fixed" and it's pretty much inevitable if you aren't.  

We waited until I was about 15 weeks along to tell the kids.  So, on Saturday, October 19th during dinner, we were doing knock knock jokes.  It was my turn and I said "Knock, knock" said "Who's there" and I said "Knock, knock, there's a baby in my tummy and it wants to come out soon to meet you".  All of our jokes are really silly and don't ever make a whole lot of sense so they all didn't really get it and just kind of looked at me.  One of them started to tell another joke and I said "Hang on, did you hear what I said?"  They still just stared at me, not getting it.  I said "I am pregnant...there's a baby in my tummy and you guys are going to have a baby brother or sister."  What happened next was pure pandemonium.  They screamed and shrieked and asked a million questions and were so excited.  Oliver rejoiced and said God answered his prayers and he was finally getting a baby brother.  I told him we weren't sure if it was a boy or girl, so we will be excited for whatever we get.  Berkeley wished for a girl and immediately got her sketch pad out and drew a picture of a baby in my tummy, complete with the umbilical chord and a heart around it.  It is so cute and I'm saving it for the baby book.  I didn't think she'd be that excited to have to share mom with yet another kid, but she was almost the most excited out of all of them.  She wanted to tell everyone at school and at soccer practice and Tai Kwan Do.  I kept telling her she couldn't say anything until all the grandparents knew, but oh, how she begged to be the one to announce it.  Oliver asked if he could be the one to buckle the baby up in the car.  I told him of course, that could be his job.  I know once it comes, they'll fight over who GETS to do it for a week or two and then they'll fight over who HAD to do it the last time and they won't want to do it any more :) That night I was saying good night to Oliver and he asked if the baby could sleep in his room since Berkeley and Finley get to sleep in the same room.  I told him he definitely won't want a baby sleeping in his room for the first year and a half since they wake up and cry all through the night, but as soon as it was sleeping through the night, he can definitely have it sleep in his room.

Berkeley asked if we could name it "Melissa" (one of her good friends) if it's a girl, and Oliver wanted to name it "Crusher" if it was a boy (after his favorite Skylander).  I told them we have had all of our babies names planned since before we were married.  (Well, I have anyway. I've had them all picked out since high school and being the freak that I am, I made Tom agree to them before we got married.  He's a good sport!)  So, since it's a boy, his name is Cooper Winston.  I grew up playing the piano and George Winston was my very favorite pianist.  I always knew that I would somehow incorporate his name into my family.  I've always loved the name Cooper and thought Cooper Winston would be so darling and unique, a name no one else would have.  Although, I have to say, "Crusher" is growing on me and it will definitely be his nick name.  I think that would have been a fitting name for Oliver, actually, since he is a 70 lb, 6 yr, 100% BOY!

On the day of my ultra sound to find out the sex of the baby, we surprised the kids and got them out of class.  I explained that we were going to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl and that the Dr. office was making an exception for  them to come since they only allow 2 people to go in the room.  I told them they couldn't talk or move without permission because they might be asked to leave.  So, they all filed into the room and sat silently as we looked at the screen.  It was pretty funny...and they couldn't believe how "weird" the baby looked since all you can see is bone.  Anyway, the technician pointed out his "special parts" and it was a boy and we all cheered!  Oliver got his wish, his prayer was answered and he was thrilled.  He would have been devastated if it was another girl and he is so excited that our family is "equal" now.  The night before our appointment when she was in bed, Berkeley said, "Mom, I will be happy for a boy & a girl."  I said, "Well, there's only one in there Berk, so we won't be getting both."  She said, "I know, I just mean I will be happy if it is a girl and I will be happy if it is a boy".  I thought that was sweet and very big of her since she was sincerely hoping this whole time for a girl.  

I think the thing I am most excited about is watching them with this baby.  They were so sweet with Finley when she was a baby.  They doted on her and adored her, which is probably why she didn't walk till she was 17 months.  She never had to because they totally catered to her!  This poor kid probably won't walk till he's 2!  I know they'll be such good helpers and little Cooper will be very loved and well taken care of.  Berkeley got to feel him kicking a few nights ago and thought that was the coolest thing ever.  They are at such fun ages and I feel very blessed to be having our 4th and final baby!  Yes, this will be the last one.  My Dr. was thrilled when I came in and said she couldn't wait to deliver another little Potts baby.  I asked her if I would be getting a "Senior Discount" since I'll be over 35 when it's born and she said "No discounts."  I said "Well, how about a program where you have 3 and the 4th is free?"  She laughed and said "No such luck"!  She asked if we wanted to do something about the fact that we are "so fertile" after this one is born and I told her yes.  I asked her to get everything boarded up in there and hang a flashing "No Vacancy" sign when they cut me open to take him out.  I told her after this one that it's time for me to close up shop.  I am retiring!  


  1. Yay!!!! Can't wait to hold baby Cooper! Love him already. What a special family he has waiting for him!!!!

  2. Lis, I'm so stinking excited for you all! Yay for Potts babies!
