Friday, November 15, 2013

Oliver and the Bean Stalk

Back in May, when Oliver graduated from preschool he brought a Styrofoam cup home with a sunflower seed planted in it.  He asked if we could plant it in the yard and we agreed to, thinking it probably wouldn't really do anything, but he was excited about it, so why not?  Holy Moses!  It grew, and grew, and grew!  I had no idea it would get as huge as it did.  I kept waiting for it to fall over, but the stalk was pretty thick and it hung on all summer long.  Finally, one evening, after a long day of swimming, Tom decided it was probably time to chop it down since summer was pretty much over.  He got an ax and let Oliver do the honors.  He was so proud of his sunflower.  It was HEAVY when we all took turns holding it.  Of course, the girls had to pose for pictures too!  Nice job Oliver.  All that watering paid off!

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