Well, I think these photos pretty much speak for themselves. The kids are completely enamored with their new baby brother. The bus drops them off right at the top of our driveway and every day they sprint down the drive and burst into the house saying "Where's Cooper? Can I hold him?" They can't get enough of him! It has been so fun to watch them with him. Some of the cute things they have said are:
Berkeley: "He is the most adorable baby in the world. Someday I want to have baby that looks just like him and I'm going to name him Cooper too." (This is coming from a girl who used to insist she wasn't having any kids and if she did, she would only have 1 and it would be a girl.)
Oliver: "Thank you for Cooper, mom, he is so amazing."
Finley: "Thank you for giving us this adorable baby, I just can't stop kissing him."
Oliver's class actually had a count down of the weeks left till Cooper came out. I think they started their count down when he was 8 wks away. Oliver had raised his hand and told Mrs. Pringle that in 8 wks Cooper would be here. So, they started a little class room count down and when he was born, Mrs. Pringle emailed us asking for a photo of him and Oliver so the class could see. We emailed it to her and Oliver came home so thrilled because she showed the class and then she saved it to her computer desk top. Oliver thought it was the coolest thing ever that his teacher had a picture of him with his new baby brother on her class room computer! The first time I went to school with Cooper, I walked Oliver to his class and the whole class jumped out of their seats and rushed to the door shouting his name and arguing over who got to see him first. It was amusing and a little overwhelming to have 20+ Kindergartners surrounding us and all talking at once! Mrs. Pringle asked everyone to be seated (and made them promise not to touch him) and had me walk him around the room so everyone could have a chance to see.
Berkeley did a writing assignment about Cooper and it is one of the cutest things I have ever read. She wrote:
My brother Cooper is amazing. He is so cute and little. He is also adorable and makes funny noises and cries a lot and sleeps a lot and he eats a lot and is so small he fits in my arms. When my dad holds him he looks like a 2 week old puppy. When he cries he snorts. His eyes are bluish silverish. He has like 50 teeny tiny little bumps, I do not know why (he had baby acne when she wrote this) and when I put his binky in his mouth he sucks it so hard that his binky bonks his nose.
Berkeley has actually formed quite a bond with him. The few couple of weeks he was home he cried A LOT! The feeding wasn't going that well yet and he was extremely gassy and had a very hard time burping. I would try to calm him down and sometimes when I needed a break I'd hand him to her and she would hold him and pat him and he would calm right down. It was pretty sweet. She has been so helpful and I keep telling pregnant friends of mine to borrow someone's 8 yr old when they have their baby cause it's life changing. I wish I would have had an 8 yr old to help me back when I had my first baby! It's awesome!