Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Record 3 Teeth in a Row!

Missing Tooth #1

 Missing Tooth #2 

 Missing Tooth #3 (on the bottom)
Oliver made history at our house a couple of weekends ago.  He lost 3 teeth in a row.  His front 2 were loose for quite a while and he asked Tom to try to get the loosest one out with floss one night while we were brushing/flossing and getting ready for bed.  Tom got it out and he was so excited!  The next night the other one felt really wiggly and was bugging him so he asked Tom to try to get that one out too and out it came.  The 3rd night came around and that day he had eaten an apple and his bottom one got really loose so out came the floss and with it came the tooth!  I think the tooth fairy got kind of tired coming to our house every night for 3 consecutive nights!!!  He has lost a total of 5 now and has 2 more loose ones on the bottom.  He keeps saying he doesn't want to lose any more teeth cause he won't have any left!  We call him "Toothless" now and he and Cooper are beginning to resemble one another :)

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